Powell River Kayak & Canoe Regatta
Saturday April 26, 2025

The Powell River Kayak & Canoe Regatta is a 12 mile race on the scenic, Class 1 Powell River in Claiborne County, Tennessee.
Entry fees will be $35 per single kayak, racing kayak or single SUP entry and $55 per boat for canoe and double kayak entries. Entry Fees for all entries in the Recreational Class are $35. All participants will receive a free Regatta T-Shirt.

Final 2024 Regatta Results Posted Here
A Huge Thank You to all the 2024 Volunteers!
Congratulations to all 113 Participants and Winners!
Regatta is a function of the Claiborne County Chamber of Commerce

The Powell River Regatta is a function of the Claiborne County Chamber of Commerce. Net proceeds from the Regatta will be used exclusively for the Powell River Blueway project, an effort to improve and maintain public access onto the 114 miles of the Powell River for paddling and fishing in the beautiful Cumberland Mountains of northeast Tennessee.
About the Powell River
The Powell River is a Class 1 (easy) paddling river originating in SW Virginia. It is one of the two largest free-flowing (un-dammed) rivers in Tennessee and "one of the most biologically diverse rivers in the US" according to the US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). The Powell River (together with the Clinch River) support more Federally Endangered species of fish and freshwater mussels than any other river in the US. A few of these species are found nowhere else in the world.
Since the river has no upstream dams, flows are entirely dependent on precipitation in the upstream watershed. In the nine years we have been at Well Being Retreat Center, we have seen flows as low as 300 cubic feet per second and as high as 30,000 cubic feet per second (cfs). For the last three Regattas, flows have varied from 450 cfs to 2,400 cfs, which represent the minimum and maximum acceptable flows.
The Powell has a nice mix of slack water in deeper holes, swift water and the occasional ledge to navigate during lower flows.

Kayak & Canoe Rentals for Race Day are Available with Prior Arrangement

Riverside Rentals will have kayaks and canoes available for rent on Race Day. Boats and paddles will be made available at the Start Line and can be left at the Finish Line. Please make prior arrangements for these boats - while availability lasts - by contacting Carson Williams of Riverside Rentals at (423) 626-9761 or email at riversiderentals11@yahoo.com

Camping & Meals Offered

Well Being Retreat Center has a licensed riverfront campground directly adjacent to the Start Line for the race.. The extensive fairly level mowed pasture along the river is available for tent camping and there are six Appalachian Trail style sleeping shelters. The AT shelters are $25 per person per night. There are clean, comfortable men's and women's bathrooms nearby for campers to refresh and recharge with showers, picnic tables, outdoor grills, potable water. Well Being Retreat Center will serve supper the night before the Regatta ($15 per person) and a full service hot breakfast ($10) the morning of the Regatta at the Powell River Pavilion - a short walk from the Start line. For Camping Reservations and Cabin Rentals on Regatta weekend, contact Patty@WellBeingCC.org or at 423-626-9000 to make cabin, meal & camping reservations